
Yoga is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, with its roots in India, and has been passed down through the ages by many important yoga masters, creating new lineages and styles of yoga. Some of the most famous and respected yoga masters are; Patanjali, who wrote the Yoga Sutras, a classic yoga text...
Yoga is an ancient practice originating in India that combines physical exercise, breathing and meditation. The aim of yoga is to achieve a state of harmony and balance between body and mind, and it is considered a way of promoting physical and mental health and well-being. Yoga postures, known as asanas, are performed in a...
In the studio we have different accessories to help you with your yoga practice, made from different materials and with different designs. They all have their own unique function and are explained in this article. When are the accessories used? At the beginning of the class, the teacher will tell you which accessories you will...
An interest in yoga is the first step; the next step is to find a studio that offers yoga near your work or home so that you can establish a routine and commit to it. Here at Yoga Home we have classes and times throughout the week to help you fit your practice into your...
Yoga is an ancient practice and as such has evolved over the centuries into different types, styles and methods which, while sharing a common origin and vision, have important differences and guidelines.                          How do I decide which style of yoga is right for me? By learning about the different styles! Some styles are more active,...